Thank you for considering joining us! The options below should answer some of your questions.
Please have a look at our lab handbook for general expectations. We numerically solve (partial) differential equations of cardiovascular biomechanics using high-performance computing. To thrive in our lab, you should have a strong background in nonlinear continuum mechanics (solids, fluids), numerical methods (for differential equations, root-finding, optimization), and coding (git, Python, C++) with an interest in the cardiovascular system.
Prospective MS/PhD Students
Our lab is accepting 1-2 new students per year. You can only join by applying to the Yale Biomedical Engineering graduate program. The next application deadline is December 15, 2025, for a fall 2026 start.
Please note that sending your CV does not increase your prospects of admission. Our lab does not admit students, but Yale University and the Department of Biomedical Engineering do.
Prospective Postdocs
We are currently not hiring Postdocs.
Yale Students
We always have exciting research projects for Yale undergrads and MS students. Please contact Martin Pfaller directly.